Screenlogic 2
Screenlogic 2

To enable push updates, subscribe to a particular message code using gateway.async_subscribe_client(callback, message_code), passing a callback method to be called when that message is received, and the message code to subscribe to. This reduces network traffic compared to polling, and improves responsiveness to state changes. The preferred method for retrieving updated pool data is to subscribe to updates pushed to the gateway by the ScreenLogic system. Changed in v0.5.0: This method is now an async coroutine and no longer disconnects from the protocol adapter after polling the data.The ScreenLogic protocol adapter may respond with an error message if too many requests are made too quickly. The calling application is responsible for maintaining reasonable intervals between updates. Warning: This method is not rate-limited. Status and settings for any configured salt chlorine generators.Detailed information for each configured pump.This update consists of sending requests for: Once connected, all available state information can be polled with the async_update() coroutine. This supports handling ip changes to the protocol adapter. Changed in v0.7.0: async_connect() now accepts adapter connection info.If disconnected, this method may be called without any parameters to reconnect with the previous connection info, or with new parameters to connect to a different host. Once instantiated, use async_connect() to connect and login to the ScreenLogic protocol adapter, and gather the pool configuration. Ability to specify client id used for push subscriptions, and to specify maximum number of times to retry a request has replaced it.Ĭonnecting to a ScreenLogic Protocol Adapter Changed in v0.8.0: Support for passing connection info to gateway constructor is fully deprecated and has been removed.Connection info should be passed to async_connect() instead. Changed in v0.7.0: Passing adapter connection info when instantiating the gateway is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Changed in v0.5.0: Instantiating the gateway no longer automatically connects to the protocol adapter or performs an initial update.from screenlogicpy import ScreenLogicGateway gateway = ScreenLogicGateway ()

screenlogic 2

The ScreenLogicGateway class is the primary interface. This will be the last version to support Python 3.8. New in v0.8.0: Support for Python 3.8 and 3.9 is being phased out across future releases.Relevant methods now require the async/ await syntax.

screenlogic 2

  • Changed in v0.5.0: The screenlogicpy library has moved over to using asyncio for all network I/O.
  • The screenlogicpy package can be installed from PyPI using pip. Screenlogicpy is an interface for Pentair ScreenLogic connected pool controllers over IP via python using asyncio.

    Screenlogic 2